PERU - Metal

AEVUM (Lima) [Power Metal]
(2005) Heaven Burns (EP)
(2011) The Creation of Power

ANAL VOMIT (Lima) [Black/Death/Thrash Metal]
(2002) From Peruvial Hell (EP)
(2004) Devotos del Diablo (Split with Goat Semen)
(2004) Demoniac Flagellations

ANCESTRAL DAWN (Lima) [Power Metal]
(2017) Souldance

ARAGORN (Trujillo) [Power Metal]
(2009) La Historia Prohibida

ARCANGEL (Trujillo) [Heavy Metal]
(2001) Visiones De La Eterna Oscuridad

ARMAGEDON (Lima) [Heavy Metal]
(2000) Armagedon en la noche (En vivo)

AYAHUAIRA (Huancayo) [Black Metal]
(2010) El Poder de la Divinidad... El Dominio de la Verdadera Fuerza Suprema

AYAHUASCA (Arequipa) [Heavy Metal]
(2014) Demo

AYNI (Lima) [Black Metal]
(2008)...From The Highlands (Demo)

BELFEGOR (Trujillo) [Black Metal]
(2002) Demo 2002

BELZEC (Lima) [Black Metal]
(2005) The Art Of Holocaust

BESTIAL POSSESSION (Trujillo) [Black Metal]
(2006) Rehearsal 2006

BLACK ANGEL (Lima) [Black Metal]
(2005) From the Darkness
(2006) Pura Música del Diablo (Split with Black Empire)
(2006) Beyond from Beyond
(2008) Apocalyptic Rehearsal
(2008) Born of the Beast (Split with Lord Satanael)
(2009) Satanist Rites (Split with Beelzebul)
(2009) Satanic Rites in Brazil 2006 (Live)  
(2010) Black Ritual of Satan (Split with Adokhsiny)
(2011) Demos
(2011) The Black Truth
(2012) Satan Is Power (Split with Waffenträger Luzifers)

CARCAVA (Chiclayo) [Death Metal]
(2012) Desenterrando a los Muertos

CH'ASKA (CHASKA) (Arequipa) [Folk Metal]
(2009) Pururauca

COBRA (Lima) [Heavy Metal]
(2011) Lethal Strike

CRIMSON DEATH (Arequipa) [Melodic Death Metal]
(2004) Technology
(2006) Death Is Essential

DISINTER (Lima) [Death Metal]
(2005) Hell Gate
(2007) War Pest

ENYGMA (Lima) [Black/Death/Thrash Metal]
(2013) Piece Alive (EP)

EPILEPSIA (Lima) [Thrash Metal]
(2004) Thrash Again
(2009) The Exorcist (EP)
(2010) Human Race Extermination

EVIL DAMN (Lima) [Death Metal]
(2004) Through Black Abysses (Demo)

FLAGELUM DEI (Lima) [Black Metal]
(2008) Destroying Your Beliefs

GOAT SEMEN (Lima) [Death/Black Metal]
(2004) Devotos del Diablo (Split with Anal Vomit) 
(2007) En Vivo En Lima Hell (Live) 
(2015) Ego Svm Satana

HADEZ (Lima) [Black/Death Metal]
(1993) Aquelarre
(2000) Even If You Die A Thousand Times 
(2005) ...From the Graves (1986-1992)

HAMMER (Trujillo) [Heavy Metal]
(2008) Martillo de Metal (Demo)

HELL TORMENT (Lima) [Black/Death Metal]
(2008) Opening the Gates of Hell
(2013) Hell Terror
ILLAPA (Lima) [Black Metal]
(1995) Deshonestos Y Hechiceros

INHUMANO (Piura) [Death Metal]
(2011) Sadismo de la Bestia (Demo)

KAY PACHA (Huancayo) [Black Metal]
(2011) Wanka Black Metal

KRANIUM (Lima) [Death Metal]
(1992) Mundo Interior (Demo)

M.A.S.A.C.R.E. (MASACRE) (Lima) [Thrash/Alternative Metal]
(1988) Sin Piedad (Remastered 2016)
(1999) En vivo hasta el final
(2001) Demoledor
(2004) En Pie de Guerra
(2016) Versos del Inframundo

MORTEM (Lima) [Death Metal]
(1995) Demon Tales (Huasipungo/Coyote Records)
(1995) Demon Tales (Merciless Records)
(1998) The Devil Speaks in Tongues
(2000) Decomposed By Possession
(2005) De Natura Daemonum
(2007) Demonios Atacan Los Ángeles (Live)

MUDRA (Lima) [Thrash Metal]
(2012) The End of World

NAHUAL (Lima) [Black Metal]
(2001) Mysteries of the Cosmic Serpent
(2005) Hail Satanic Victory!!!
(2008) The Scaffold Of The Dead
(2011) Death Live Impalement (with Hadez and Inri)

NAUTILUZ (Lima) [Power Metal]
(2013) Leaving All Behind

NECROPSYA (Lima) [Thrash Metal]
(1993) Slaves Of The Magic 

NOCTURNO (Lima) [Doom Metal/Hard Rock]
(2013) Desde la vasta oscuridad primordial

ORFEO (Cusco) [Power Metal]
(2007) Desde la Eternidad (Demo)

PAGAPU (Huancayo) [Pagan Death/Black Metal]
(2011) Seven Days of Storm

POISONDEATH (Chimbote) [Thrash Metal]
(2010) Poison Metal

PSICORRAGIA (Lima) [Death/Doom Metal]
(2011) Ruina y Muerte...el Génesis
REINO ERMITAÑO (Lima) [Doom Metal]
(2012) Veneración Del Fuego
(2014) Conjuros de Poder

SACROM (Trujillo) [Heavy/Power Metal]
(2014) Sin Miedo

SARAM (Lima) [Death/Thrash Metal]
(2004) Metal Mayhem Genocide (Demo)

SENTENCIA O MUERTE (Trujillo) [Heavy Metal]
(2015) Concebido para Matar (Demo)

SEPULCRO (Lima) [Heavy/Thrash Metal]
(2006) Sepulchral Voices

STACCATO (Lima) [Power Metal]
(2010) Del imperio del Sol

STYGIA (Trujillo) [Death Metal]
(2006) Promo CD (Demo)
(2010) Anthems....

TENSHY OF DEATH (Trujillo) [Death Metal]
(2006) Angel Of Death (Demo)

THRASHTORNO (Juliaca) [Thrash Metal]
(2010) Asesinos del Infierno

TRAUMA (Lima) [Thrash Metal]
(2006) Memories of Pain

TRÉMOLO (Tacna) [Heavy Metal/Hard Rock]
(2001) Vencerá
(2005) Rosas Negras

VIOLENCIA (Lambayeque) [Death Metal]
(2006) No Los Hemos Olvidado (Demo)

YAWARHIEM (Lima) [Power Metal]
(2009) The Rebirth of the Empire

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