domingo, 19 de octubre de 2014

Epilepsia - (2009) The Exorcist (EP) [FLAC/APE]

Format: APE or FLAC
Country, City: Peru, Lima
Genre: Thrash Metal
Source: CD
Covers/Scans: Yes, 600ppp (Front / Back / CD)
Extra Multimedia Content: No

  1. Epilepsia - The Exorcist (3:25)
  2. Epilepsia - Into the Death Race (3:05)
  3. Epilepsia - Deprimente Realidad (3:30)
  4. Epilepsia - Depresión (4:19)
  5. Epilepsia - Sodomy and Lust (Sodom cover) (4:42)*
Total Running Time: 00:19:01
* This track was not complete, so it was completed with lossy source.

Album Preview (Lossy):

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